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About The Lupus

The Lupus Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Families

“The Lupus Encyclopedia is a book that that every lupus patient should have in their home library. It’s the most comprehensive lupus book out there, and is a valuable resource for anyone searching for a detailed and in-depth explanation of this complicated and mysterious disease.”
(Sara Gorman Despite Lupus)
“A wealth of detail on the many ways lupus affects the human body, the various related treatment options, a range of patient resources for support, and more… a caring, comprehensive guide to understanding and coping with lupus.”
(Library Journal)
“The Lupus Encyclopedia is [a] carefully-researched, easily-understood and comprehensive book. It is, as it claims, an ENCYCLOPEDIA… If you [could have] only one book in your library about lupus, The Lupus Encyclopedia might well be it.”
(The Lupus Guru)
“There is great depth and much to learn from reading and referring to this important book… This book should stand the test of time as one of the great books about this complex auto-immune disease.”
(Lupus, the Adventure Between the Lines)
“I highly recommend The Lupus Encyclopedia. It’s an amazing source of information, and I feel empowered by the fact that I have a reliable resource to turn to whenever I need it. No matter what your symptoms are or the level of severity, you owe it to yourself to get this book.”
(Lupine Life)
“This title strikes a pitch perfect balance: on one side, there is information of value to those suffering from or caring for the condition, on the other, data suitable for clinicians seeking a better general understanding of the condition. This volume represents outstanding value for money and would be a useful addition to medical, healthcare and personal bookshelves.”
(Reference Reviews)
“We can’t imagine a more thorough, readable guide to lupus than this.”
(Pain-Free Living)
“People who have lupus and their primary care doctors will find in this book all the information they need.”
(from the Foreword by George C. Tsokos, M.D., Harvard Medical School)
“This is a highly readable medical text… This encyclopedia would be useful for public libraries, medical libraries, or academic libraries.”
(Amy B. Parsons American Reference Books Annual)