Share Lupus Experiences Now: Help current research on lupus
IF YOU HAVE LUPUS OR ARE A CAREGIVER: Help current research on lupus by sharing your experiences with the Lupus Foundation of America by joining RAY (Research Accelerated by You)
You can help with an easy online lupus research study!
Here’s how!
The Lupus Foundation of America has a new lupus research initiative where people with lupus and their caregivers (wives, husbands, partners, etc) can share their experiences and help us learn more about lupus. They ask that you add information online at the RAY site throughout the year as your situation changes. Please help us fight against lupus so we can end up all winning!
RAY stands for “Research Accelerated by YOU”
Yes! You can make a difference!
You must live in the US to participate.
To participate in the RAY lupus research, you can easily do so. Go to the Lupus Foundation of America’s online data collection site at
Please also SHARE this post with everyone you know who has lupus. Let’s help LFA!
We need to learn a lot more about systemic lupus erythematosus. Let us learn more by learning more about your experiences with lupus. Or, if you are the caregiver of someone suffering from lupus, you can participate and spread knowledge as well.
Make sure to spread the word. Also, consider joining “The Lupus Foundation of America” if you are not already a member. They are excellent at educating their members and work hard at advocacy and research support.
Don Thomas, MD
Author of the “Lupus Encyclopedia” and strong advocate for all lupus patient organizations around the world!
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