I was 16 when I started experiencing symptoms. I was a gymnast and quit because I could no longer hold onto the uneven bars. I experienced joint pain as well. Test were ran but all came back negative. I was made to feel like it was all in my head.
Fast forward 36 years when my husband unexpectedly passed. I went downhill. Couldn’t stand, walk was crazy exhausted. I was told I was depressed and to seek out grief therapy. I did and felt better mentally but the pain didn’t leave.
I made an appointment with a rheumatologist thinking I had arthritis. She diagnosed me with Lupus. I was shocked, scared and had no idea what Lupus was.
I have since educated myself on Lupus and have become an advocate for Lupus Warriors like myself. I am also advocating for Pediatric Lupus. I don’t want another child to go through their whole life without the proper diagnosis like I did.
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