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Vitamins For Lupus: Avoid some is the best advice

posted in Complementary Alternative Medicine on November 28, 2020 by

Donald Thomas

Updated September 27, 2021

Not All Supplements and Vitamins for Lupus Patients are Safe

Vitamins for lupus patients: “Ask Dr. T!” question of the week

For example: do not take Echinacea

Don Thomas, MD answers question about lupus and immune boosting supplements like Echinacea

​It is important to remember that lupus is a problem where the immune system is already over active. The last thing you want to do is “boost” it more!
Dr. Thomas says, “You are very smart for avoiding products that state they “boost the immune system.” This is not what want. It is already “boosted” in lupus. We want to normalize the immune system by calming it down. Echinacea as you mention can flare lupus, so I am glad you are avoiding it. There are absolutely no products (vitamins etc) that have been proven to prevent colds and flus, and believe me, over the past few decades, many studies have been done. The only thing that comes any where close to possibly help are zinc supplements, and these are safe to use. However, avoid the nasal spray form. It can cause loss of smell.”
produced by Kelli Roseta’s “More Than Lupus
The mission of the More Than Lupus Foundation is to provide programs and support for those living with lupus, advocate for their needs, and collaborate with other government and lupus organizations to strive toward improving quality of life, and ultimately finding a cure.


Don Thomas, MD author of “The Lupus Encyclopedia” and “​The Lupus Secrets

References: Under chapter 38


  1. […] Vitamin D in women of color with lupus is an important problem. Women of color tend to have lower vitamin D levels, and this can be associated with worse lupus disease activity.  […]

  2. There never will be a scientific study on vitamins. No one can afford it except for drug companies and why would they bother, there is no money in it. Do you know there was never any study for cigarettes causing cancer! But no one will agree with the clear evidence that cigarettes cause cancer. For the unique sensitivities of Lupus issues, best to take a non allergenic vitamin to be safe. Ones that are not food grade with vegetables and herbs that can cause immune sensitivities.

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