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The Best Soap for Lupus Patients (Feb 2025 Update)

posted in Skin Problems in Lupus on June 21, 2023 by

Gavin Abson

Updated February 28, 2025

Selecting the right soap for lupus patients is crucial because certain soaps can worsen irritation from cutaneous lupus (skin lupus) and exacerbate the itchy, dry skin associated with Sjogren’s disease. It’s vital to find a soap that cleans without irritation. This article delves into the most suitable soap options for those with lupus, addressing their specific needs and sensitivities..


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February 2025 Update

The Eucerin shower oil soap, which I highly recommend for dry skin (details below), has been renamed to Eucerin pH5. Please note that I have no financial interests linked to this product.

Donald Thomas, MD author of The Lupus Encyclopedia for Gastrointestinal symptoms in lupus blog post

This blog on “The Best Soap for Lupus Patients” was edited and contributed to by Donald Thomas, MD; author of “The Lupus Encyclopedia.” Parts of this blog post come from “The Lupus Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Health Care Providers, edition 2“

Understanding the Needs of Lupus Patients’ Skin

Lupus can cause a variety of skin problems, including rashes, dry skin, and sun sensitivity. Therefore, selecting a gentle and nourishing soap is crucial to help the skin and minimize irritation. Some soaps and skin care habits are best practices for many lupus patients, and I discuss them here. 

Choosing the Best Soap for Lupus Patients

Look for Fragrance-Free Soaps

Fragrances can be harsh on sensitive skin and may trigger allergic reactions or irritate lupus-related rashes. Opt for fragrance-free soaps to minimize the risk of skin irritation.

Consider Mild and Moisturizing Formulas

Individuals with lupus frequently struggle with dry or inflamed skin, so opting for soaps enriched with moisturizing ingredients is important. Seek out products containing glycerin, shea butter, or natural oils to aid in moisture retention and prevent additional dryness. However, many mainstream soaps marketed as suitable for sensitive, dry skin (such as Dove) can actually be too harsh for lupus patients.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Irritants

Many common soap ingredients, such as sulfates and alcohol, can remove the skin’s natural oils, leading to increased dryness and irritation. It’s best to select soap options that do not contain these harsh chemicals.

Check for Hypoallergenic and Dermatologist-Tested Labels

Soaps that are labeled hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested are designed to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and irritation. These formulations tend to be a safe selection for lupus patients with sensitive skin.

Top Soap Recommendations for Lupus Patients

If you use and practice the following two steps, and read and perform the recommendations from my itchy, skin article, you and your skin should do very well. 

  1. CeraVe Cream: Dr. Thomas highly recommends CeraVe Cream as his preferred ‘soap.’ This recommendation stems from advice provided by a dermatologist expert in dry skin, particularly given that many lupus patients deal with dry, itchy skin—often exacerbated by Sjogren’s disease overlap. Apply it as you would regular soap on your face, arms, legs, chest, shoulders, and abdomen. While it is primarily a moisturizer, consider it a soap alternative; in most instances, it significantly enhances moisture retention while also cleaning the skin. If you do get dirty (such as from gardening, working on a car, etc), then use the soap in #2 below on the dirty areas, followed by CeraVe.
  2. Eucerin® pH5 Skin-Protection Shower Oil (also called Oleogel de Ducha, Olio Detergente Doccia, and Duschol): Use this soap for your underarms, private areas, and feet. Also, if you do actually get dirty on your hands, legs etc, use this on the dirty areas followed by CeraVe cream, as mentioned above. However, try to use CeraVe alone as much as you can. All soaps (including this brand) can remove vital moisturizing oils from the skin.

Also, do everything listed in Dr. Thomas’ dry skin care blog post for additional help.

Steer clear of other soaps that claim to be beneficial for dry skin, as many of these products may not be suitable for lupus and Sjogren’s patients. If the two recommended ‘soaps’ mentioned above don’t provide relief (which would be uncommon), consider consulting a dermatologist.

Note: we are not associated with the above brands in any way. Other products are available. I get no commission for recommending these soaps

Maintaining Healthy Skin Habits

In addition to choosing the right soap, adopting a few healthy skin habits can further support lupus patients’ skin health:

  1. After bathing, apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to lock in moisture and maintain skin hydration. CeraVe cream is an excellent option.
  2. Sun exposure can trigger lupus flares and worsen skin symptoms. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF before going outdoors, and wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Download my UV-protection handout. Read and follow all the Lupus Secrets.
  3. Hot water can remove the skin’s natural oils and worsen dryness. It’s better to use lukewarm water for bathing, showering, or handwashing. While many of us enjoy hot showers, gradually reducing the water temperature over time can help your body adjust. Cooler temperatures are beneficial for preserving essential moisturizing oils in your skin.
  4. After washing, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing vigorously. This helps prevent removing precious skin oils.


For more in-depth information on how lupus affects the skin in greater detail:

Read chapters 8 and 14 of The Lupus Encyclopedia, edition 2

Look up your symptoms, conditions, and medications in the Index of The Lupus Encyclopedia.

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Reviewed and edited by Donald Thomas, MD

For more in-depth information on The Best Soap for Lupus Patients (Feb 2025 Update):

Read more in The Lupus Encyclopedia, edition 2

Look up your symptoms, conditions, and medications in the Index of The Lupus Encyclopedia

If you enjoy the information from The Lupus Encyclopedia, please click the “SUPPORT” button at the top of the page to learn how you can help. 

What are your comments and opinions?

If you have lupus, what has your experience been? What do you recommend for other patients?

Do you have any questions to ask Dr. Thomas?

Please click on “Leave a Comment” above to comment.

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  1. Please let me know-how the soap fragance free, let me the soso name

    • Patricia: The Eucerin oil-based skin calming body wash is fragrance free.

      Donald Thomas, MD

    • How can I help my lupus my skin itching rashes crackin dry burning sores red all over face eyes ears scalp everywhere it’s Bring me my self-esteem down like I barely go out

      • Elise, with your stating that your skin is “red”, it is more complicated than just giving advice for itchy, dry skin. This is where I would want the help of a very good “medical dermatologist.” Not someone who does lots of cosmetics (which is most of them these days). Call around to various derm offices and ask if they specifically have anyone who specializes in medical dermatology and lupus… then see them to figure out why it is red (eg active inflammation? permanent damage from telangiectasia? etc. Note that it usually takes several different therapies (trial and error) to figure out the best therapy… so keep going back. Ask how quickly you should notice an improvement and make a followup appointment to come back at that time (eg 3 weeks later or 2 months later, etc). Be persistent.

        Also, let them know how badly it is affecting your quality of life. Be honest and blunt about it. Cutaneous lupus notoriously causes poor quality of life and patients often do not bring it up, and many docs minimize the severity of the symptoms. But a good medical dermatologist will have empathy and compassion and help.

        Good luck!

        Donald Thomas, MD

    • How can I help my lupus my skin itching rashes crackin dry burning sores red all over face eyes ears scalp everywhere it’s Bring me my self-esteem down I try cervare Hydrating cream to foam

  2. Dr Thomas- I have CL only on the neck, there are times when it becomes very sensitive, hurts, burns almost all the time. Should I be careful using body soap and shampoo?
    Thanks so much!

    • Marcella: So sorry to hear this.

      It certainly wouldn’t hurt to go by the recommendations to see if they help reduce the symptoms (cool shower, no soap or use CeraVie cream as soap). However, when there is burning pain, that usually means we need to control the inflammation better with treatments (Saphnelo usually works wonders when it occurs in the setting of SLE) or nerve pain (where nerve pain meds like gabapentin may help).

      Dr T

  3. Merhaba lupus sle hastasıyım organ tutulumum ve cilt tutulumum yok benim eklem ağrıları var. Plaquenil cellcept akıllı ilaç yani mabthera kullanıyorum birde Deltacortil. Tweeter da yazdım anti ds dna 800 çıkıyor nac buna iyi gelirmi. Türkiye de ne diyip alacağım teşekkür ederim

    I’ll translate here from Turkish using Google Translate: Hello, I am a lupus sle patient, I do not have organ involvement or skin involvement, I have joint pain. I use Plaquenil cellcept smart drug, Mabthera, and Deltacortil. I also wrote on Twitter that anti ds dna 800 comes out, is nac good for this? I will buy it in Turkey, thank you.

    • Nilay: We truly do not know. We only have a few studies suggesting that NAC may be effective and safe in SLE. Ask your doctor if it would be safe for you to try first… Dr T

  4. I have lupus and my skin gets very itchy, dry rashes on the nose, ears scalp and I don’t know what to use I use aveeno

    • Elise: follow the advice in my article. My patients like yourself, I advise them to:
      – Don’t use Aveno
      – Instead, use CeraVe as soapy on arms/legs/face
      – Get Eucerin Skin Calming Body Wash (orange/brown bottle) and use it on underarms, privates, feet
      – If get dirty, like after working in the garden, use the Eucerin instead of the CeraVe on those areas, then apply CeraVe afterward
      – Dial down the heat a tiny bit on your water temperature; then keep doing this every few days until you find a significantly cooler temperature of water to bathe in (warm water removes precious oils from skin)
      – Have humidifiers throughout home, especially in bed room (a central humidifier is best)

      I hope this helps,

      Donald Thomas, MD

  5. I need help with my lupus

  6. I have it all. SLE Sjogfens, hair loss, itching, purple skin, and mottled patches. I have been using Dove body wash for sensitive
    skin. what is a good shampoo to help an itchy scalp?

    • Kristey:

      For the itchy scalp, try a dry scalp specific shampoo that contains selenium sulfide or pyrthione zinc (e.g. Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner Set, Advanced Dry Scalp Care). A lot of the time, skin fungus is a big contributor to the itching. If that does not work, then see a medical dermatologist for a close exam to look for other causes of itchy scalp and solutions

      Donald Thomas, MD

  7. doctor i have acne and dark spots on my face and oily skin . I am lupus patient . plz tell me good face wash or best soap that remove my acne and dark spots in one week .

    • Saiqa: sorry to hear this. This is a complicated problem. If you were my patient, I’d ask you see my favorite medical dermatologist to assess the problem and formulate the best plan.

      Thanks for reading and commenting

      Donald Thomas, MD

  8. I need to know what soap is good for black people with lupus

    • Jerrica:
      I’m not sure about the answer on the “hair grease.”

      For soaps I recommend:
      Use CeraVe Cream as a soap on face, arms, legs etc
      Use Eucerin Ph5 Shower Oil Soap for arm pits, underarms, privates, feet

      Donald Thomas, MD

  9. What can I need to stop hair grease

  10. I need to convince my husband that we should get a central humidifier. Our HVAC system is very old and needs to be replaced within the next few years, but whenever I mention that I want a central humidifier with our next HVAC system, he is very opposed – he is afraid that mold would be able grow in the duct work. Any suggestions?

    • Yes, that actually should not happen. Best way? as typical of most married couples, our spouse is more apt to believe a professional than believe us 🙂

      It is human nature

      Have HVAC guys come out to the house (get a few estimates for centra HVAC + humidifier) and let him voice his concern. They will ally his fears because you do have control over how much humidity there is. I’ve used one for decades and have never had a problem from mold. It makes a huge difference for dry mouth/eyes/skin during the winter.

      Donald Thomas, MD

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